Thailand photograph.

Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Dok Khun Siang Khaen Festival and Sticky Rice Street (travel thailand)
Dok Khun Siang Khaen Festival and Sticky Rice Street
Dok Khun Siang Khaen Festival and Sticky Rice Street
Date : 13-15 April 2008
Venue : Area of Bueng Kan Nakhon and Si Chan Road, Khon Kaen
Activities : A procession of floral carts, I san food contest, Khon Kaen local food festival, a parade for bathing Buddha for blessing , paying homage to elderly and local cultural entertainment.
Hi-Light : 14 April 2008 at 10.00 hrs. a procession of Koon flower carts and splashing water around Si Chan road ( Khao Niao road).
Further information : Khon Kaen Municipality Tel: 0 4322 4032, 0 4322 4029 ext. 1504
TAT Northeastern Region Office, Region 3 Tel: 0 4324 4498-9
Website :
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1:23 AM
-Central Emergency (Police, Ambulance, Fire) : 191
-Highway Patrol : 1193
-Crime Suppression : 195 or (662) 513 3844
-Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Call Center : 1672
-Immigration Bureau : (662) 287 3101-10

travel thailand photo.